On 24-03-2025 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Abraham [HWR]
Battleship 108.170
Battlecruiser 101.346
Defender President Neptune
Small Cargo 44.865
Large Cargo 16.558
Light Fighter 69.762
Heavy Fighter 19.424
Cruiser 6.428
Battleship 3.167
Recycler 35
Espionage Probe 145.333
Bomber 2.259
Destroyer 2.216
Deathstar 1
Battlecruiser 2.780
Reaper 1.282
Pathfinder 8.806
After the battle ...
Attacker Abraham [HWR]
Battleship 106.069 ( -2.101 )
Battlecruiser 99.907 ( -1.439 )
Defender President Neptune
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
408.883.609 metal, 2.531.883 crystal and 23.227.135 deuterium
382.852.798 metal, 1.265.942 crystal and 11.613.568 deuterium
191.426.399 metal, 632.971 crystal and 5.806.784 deuterium
95.713.199 metal, 316.485 crystal and 2.903.392 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 248.375.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 2.578.555.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 718.888.000 metal, 574.365.000 crystal and 120.212.000 deuterium.
The defender gain a wreckage field of 343.024.000 metal, 241.114.000 crystal and 57.683.000.
The attacker captured a total of units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 1.660.049.005
Crystal: 490.037.281
Deuterium: 142.177.879
The attacker(s) made a profit of units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -2.035.913.005
Crystal: -823.288.281
Deuterium: -204.706.879
The defender(s) lost a total of 3.063.908.165 units.