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Posts by Zubrowski
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Latajki (poza reckami oczywiście) w całości zebrane z ekspów także bólu nie ma, zbierze się jeszcze raz
Kuba dał dziś trochę zarobić
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 622.65%On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Bomber 6.000
Destroyer 6.728
Pathfinder 10.000
Defender Kuba1
Large Cargo 8.000
Espionage Probe 1
Solar Satellite 2.550
Crawler 776
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Bomber 5.902 ( -98 )
Destroyer 6.724 ( -4 )
Pathfinder 9.455 ( -545 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
116.102.086 Metal, 36.872.058 Crystal and 21.102.963 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 26.215.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 246.876.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 29.526.000 metal and 32.739.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 174.077.107 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 136.128.086
Crystal: 58.786.058
Deuterium: 15.212.963
The attacker(s) made a profit of 210.127.107 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -269.214.086
Crystal: -118.985.058
Deuterium: -32.753.963
The defender(s) lost a total of 420.953.107 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 1103.34%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 13.813
Bomber 1.000
Destroyer 2.000
Reaper 6.787
Pathfinder 4.000
Defender Kuba1
Small Cargo 2.695
Large Cargo 6.258
Light Fighter 4.501
Heavy Fighter 1.522
Cruiser 508
Battleship 277
Espionage Probe 15.591
Bomber 220
Solar Satellite 2.300
Destroyer 114
Battlecruiser 187
Crawler 768
Reaper 111
Pathfinder 579
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 13.322 ( -491 )
Bomber 978 ( -22 )
Destroyer 1.994 ( -6 )
Reaper 6.781 ( -6 )
Pathfinder 3.434 ( -566 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
98.492.656 Metal, 50.711.795 Crystal and 23.930.849 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 62.971.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 401.907.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 55.679.625 metal and 54.654.375 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 173.135.300 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 132.944.281
Crystal: 76.056.170
Deuterium: 11.497.849
The attacker(s) made a profit of 220.498.300 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -329.303.656
Crystal: -194.606.795
Deuterium: -51.131.849
The defender(s) lost a total of 575.042.300 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 584.45%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 11.618
Bomber 5.046
Pathfinder 6.000
Defender Kuba1
Large Cargo 6.627
Solar Satellite 2.600
Crawler 768
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 11.364 ( -254 )
Bomber 4.968 ( -78 )
Pathfinder 5.652 ( -348 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
66.197.566 Metal, 41.343.041 Crystal and 24.666.305 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 33.048.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 230.484.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 29.706.000 metal and 28.739.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 132.206.912 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 77.789.566
Crystal: 59.102.041
Deuterium: 20.712.305
The attacker(s) made a profit of 157.603.912 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -211.055.566
Crystal: -115.301.041
Deuterium: -36.334.305
The defender(s) lost a total of 362.690.912 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 1566.76%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 11.974
Bomber 6.000
Destroyer 8.736
Pathfinder 10.000
Defender Kuba1
Small Cargo 3.621
Large Cargo 6.810
Light Fighter 3.665
Heavy Fighter 1.430
Cruiser 514
Battleship 225
Espionage Probe 20.816
Bomber 222
Solar Satellite 3.000
Destroyer 130
Battlecruiser 257
Crawler 784
Reaper 90
Pathfinder 761
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 11.618 ( -356 )
Bomber 5.897 ( -103 )
Destroyer 8.728 ( -8 )
Pathfinder 9.050 ( -950 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
155.370.204 Metal, 29.012.155 Crystal and 27.232.678 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 61.080.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 422.492.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 79.624.000 metal and 77.052.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 211.615.037 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 205.744.204
Crystal: 83.499.155
Deuterium: 17.967.678
The attacker(s) made a profit of 307.211.037 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -388.928.204
Crystal: -188.011.155
Deuterium: -57.167.678
The defender(s) lost a total of 634.107.037 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 1261.63%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 14.204
Bomber 5.000
Reaper 6.794
Pathfinder 6.000
Defender Kuba1
Small Cargo 5.126
Large Cargo 5.683
Light Fighter 4.280
Heavy Fighter 2.113
Cruiser 608
Battleship 305
Recycler 5
Espionage Probe 17.393
Bomber 277
Solar Satellite 3.500
Destroyer 163
Battlecruiser 305
Crawler 760
Reaper 138
Pathfinder 580
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 13.813 ( -391 )
Bomber 4.890 ( -110 )
Reaper 6.787 ( -7 )
Pathfinder 5.220 ( -780 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
78.290.393 Metal, 63.420.590 Crystal and 55.409.317 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 68.435.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 444.825.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 63.951.750 metal and 62.211.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 197.120.300 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 118.177.143
Crystal: 95.156.590
Deuterium: 41.514.317
The attacker(s) made a profit of 254.848.050 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -328.323.393
Crystal: -226.301.590
Deuterium: -87.320.317
The defender(s) lost a total of 641.945.300 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 655.52%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 12.433
Destroyer 8.748
Pathfinder 2.000
Defender Kuba1
Large Cargo 7.000
Recycler 5
Espionage Probe 5
Solar Satellite 5.200
Destroyer 5
Crawler 704
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 400
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battleship 11.974 ( -459 )
Destroyer 8.736 ( -12 )
Pathfinder 1.809 ( -191 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
4.768.008 Metal, 44.275.954 Crystal and 27.224.187 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 34.961.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 254.860.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 33.330.500 metal and 32.221.500 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 76.268.149 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 15.195.508
Crystal: 66.147.454
Deuterium: 25.516.187
The attacker(s) made a profit of 106.859.149 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -157.086.008
Crystal: -130.828.954
Deuterium: -43.213.187
The defender(s) lost a total of 331.128.149 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Kuba1 ~ 1325.21%
On 22-09-2022 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 14.425
Bomber 12.410
Reaper 6.819
Pathfinder 10.000
Defender Kuba1
Small Cargo 4.143
Large Cargo 7.845
Light Fighter 3.757
Heavy Fighter 1.817
Cruiser 587
Battleship 245
Recycler 1.000
Espionage Probe 17.638
Bomber 240
Solar Satellite 3.600
Destroyer 164
Deathstar 1
Battlecruiser 229
Crawler 744
Reaper 113
Pathfinder 504
Rocket Launcher 30.000
Light Laser 10.000
Heavy Laser 1.000
Gauss Cannon 300
Ion Cannon 300
Plasma Turret 300
Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1
After the battle ...
Attacker Zubrowski [SOLO]
Battlecruiser 14.204 ( -221 )
Bomber 12.265 ( -145 )
Reaper 6.794 ( -25 )
Pathfinder 9.270 ( -730 )
Defender Kuba1
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
128.368.458 Metal, 112.548.641 Crystal and 34.275.051 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 58.465.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 469.880.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 67.865.250 metal and 64.656.000 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 275.192.150 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 174.388.708
Crystal: 152.414.641
Deuterium: 22.445.051
The attacker(s) made a profit of 349.248.400 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -391.057.458
Crystal: -287.634.641
Deuterium: -66.380.051
The defender(s) lost a total of 745.072.150 units.
Zubrowski [SOLO] vs. Dwa ~ 1530.07%
Dnia 24-08-2022 13:37:08 następujące floty spotkały się w walce:
Agresor Zubrowski [SOLO]
Krążownik 10.000
Pathfinder 7.000
Obrońca Dwa
Mały transporter 1.091
Duży transporter 16.531
Lekki myśliwiec 2.203
Ciężki myśliwiec 494
Krążownik 1.383
Okręt wojenny 266
Sonda szpiegowska 11.372
Pathfinder 1.025
Po bitwie...
Agresor Zubrowski [SOLO]
Krążownik 9.968 ( -32 )
Pathfinder 6.982 ( -18 )
Obrońca Dwa
agresor wygrał bitwę!
Agresor przejął:
90.070.272 Metalu, 35.050.464 Kryształu i 14.909.184 Deuteru
Agresor stracił łącznie 1.486.000 jednostek.
Obrońca stracił łącznie 315.702.000 jednostek.
Na polu zniszczeń unosi się 79.777.500 metalu i 73.229.500 kryształu.
Agresor przejął łącznie 140.029.920 jednostek.
Szansa na powstanie księżyca 20%.
Złom zebrany przez atakującego/atakujących.
Podsumowanie zysków/strat:
Podsumowanie agresor
Metal: 169.063.772
Kryształ: 107.785.964
Deuter: 14.701.184
agresor zyskał łącznie 291.550.920 jednostek.
Podsumowanie obrońca
Metal: -248.841.272
Kryształ: -181.015.464
Deuter: -25.875.184
obrońca stracił łącznie 455.731.920 jednostek.